Cingjing Farm (清境農場)

herds of sheep

Green Green Grasslands in summer

Green Green Grasslands in winter

Cingjing Farm (清境農場) is above 1,750 meters sea level in Nantou County. The herds of sheep are grazing on the grassy hill. The sheep are friendly and tourists love to feed them. There is the sheep shearing show, with sheep shearers all the way from New Zeland hairdressing these furry farm animals for audience’s enjoyment.

Green Green Grassland Open Hour:

Sheep Shearing Show:
09:30 & 14:30 on weekends and national holidays

Click and find Nantou Area

Hotels and B&B Information
There are more than a hundred hotels and B&B around Cingjing Farm. Sadly, the website is able to provide the most popular ones and only in Chinese description. You can check the photos first and pick some, and feel free to ask us. We help you to find your ideal accommodation in Cingjing.

It is not a problem to satisfy your hunger. Starbucks, 7-11, restaurants, and food stalls are all within walkable distance from Cingjing Farm.

Official Website:

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