Hehuanshan (合歡山)


miscanthus + sunrise

snow covered Hehuanshan

Hehuanshan (合歡山) is a 3,416 meters high mountain in Central Taiwan. The peak lies on the boundaries of Nantou and Hualien counties and is within the Taroko Gorge National Park. Summer is delightfully cool, and highly scenic as different alpine flowers bloom from May to September. Autumn and spring are wonderful time for hiking. In Autumn, there is a higher possibility to witness "sea of clouds". With certain weather condition in winter, snow covers the landscape and definitely here is full of tourists.

Click and find Hehuan Mountain

Song Syue Lodge (松雪樓)Ski Villa (滑雪山莊)
These two are the only accommodations on Hehuanshan. Ski Villa is cheaper (NTD1000) and more like a 5~7 beds mixed dorm. Song Syue Lodge is a hotel with food service, and provide double bed private room (NTD2440~3700) and family room (NTD4250~5900). Booking advance is required.

Mt. Hehuan Service Station (合歡山管理站), Song Syue Lodge
Our advice, better prepare food at 7-11 near Cingjing Farm.

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